Global Membership Categories 2022

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Organizations who operate in more than one country or whose work/research spans more than one country are considered “A4AI Members”.

Financial ContributionCategoryPotential MembersAdvisory CouncilSome Benefits
$300,000+Global SponsorFoundation, corporate, or other entities providing core financial support.The seats are rotated among interested/nominated members every 3 years; Apportioned representation of 4 private sector, 4 public sector (govt. or multilateral) and 4 civil society and foundations. At least one seat per constituency group should have developing country/ regional representation.Availability of publications (especially Affordability Index) 2 weeks in advance to prepare media reaction Logo featured on member’s page under Global Sponsors as well as on website’s homepage footer. Identified as Global Sponsor member on inside cover of A4AI publications.
$100,000+SponsorFoundation, corporate, or other entities providing major financial support.The seats are rotated among interested/nominated members every 3 years; Apportioned representation of 4 private sector, 4 public sector (govt. or multilateral) and 4 civil society and foundations. At least one seat per constituency group should have developing country/ regional representation.Availability of publications (especially Affordability Index) 2 weeks in advance to prepare media reaction.
$25,000+PartnerFoundation, donors, and developing market-based private sector companies. The seats are rotated among interested/nominated members every 3 years; Apportioned representation of 4 private sector, 4 public sector (govt. or multilateral) and 4 civil society and foundations. At least one seat per constituency group should have developing country/ regional representation.Availability of publications 1 week in advance.
In-Kind to $5,000+SupporterNGOs, public sector, social enterprises, small and medium- sized companies, inter-governmental orgs.The seats are rotated among interested/nominated members every 3 years; Apportioned representation of 4 private sector, 4 public sector (govt. or multilateral) and 4 civil society and foundations. At least one seat per constituency group should have developing country/ regional representation.Availability of publications 1 week in advance.

*In-kind contributions – All members are encouraged to contribute in-kind donations in four crucial areas, which would be potentially budget-relieving and enable the alliance to balance its budgets:

Office costs: Office space, Internet, office supplies, printing
Equipment: Laptops, phones, software licenses
Communications: Website support, social media, marketing, publications, promotional materials, editing, translation services
Venue Support: Providing free or low-cost venues for Alliance meetings and events, catering, event support staff

A4AI Membership Benefits

A4AI provides extensive benefits to its members. Membership benefits include:

  • Active membership engagement at all levels (advocacy, research, country engagement work, technical assistance) and access to A4AI members and partners globally, regionally and nationally
  • Engagement with A4AI and other members in planning activities and events across target countries and regions
  • Invitations to participate in high level events, conferences, media interviews (e.g., radio, phone – in programs, televised debates), and contribute to opinion pieces, online petitions and social media campaigns on behalf of or to represent the Alliance
  • Engagement with A4AI and the Web Foundation team on research efforts and planned peer review groups (e.g., contributions of case studies to Affordability Report, participation in peer review group)
  • Dedicated page on A4AI website under “Members”; this will include the name of the supporting organization, logo, brief organizational description, and link to home website. Member logos will be displayed according to constituency group, with the exception of global sponsors (see above)
  • Alliance Member/Partner newsletter with featured member news and links to organizational websites, publications, cases.

A4AI Membership Commitments

In addition to the agreed upon in-kind and/or financial contribution, members become A4AI Ambassadors and are expected to endorse and advocate for the Alliance’s Good Practices.

We also encourage members to:

  • Reference A4AI and its activities when speaking and presenting at relevant international and national forums and events.
  • Take concrete actions at the organizational level in line with A4AI’s good practice recommendations, advocacy priorities and to contribute to the proposed “1 for 2” target of 1GB of data for entry-level broadband services priced at less than 2% of average monthly income. Examples may include the following:
    • Private Sector: Integrate A4AI’s Good Practices in business models or practices.
    • NGO/Academia: Increase public engagement with policy and regulatory decisions in countries where organization operates and/or hold regulators accountable for the transparency and quality of their decisions.
    • Public Sector: Align policies with A4AI’s Good Practices and policy recommendations (e.g., adopt affordability target and design gender responsive policy).
  • Promote A4AI’s events and activities via organization’s social media channels, website and newsletters.
  • Provide speaking opportunities to A4AI staff and members at organization-sponsored forums and events.
  • Reach out to relevant organizations to join A4AI.

**We also ask that members share their achievements against these commitments with A4AI.