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In May 2015, A4AI collaborated with the Liberian Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, the Liberian Telecommunications Authority, USAID, and NetHope to host the Access to Broadband Connectivity in Liberia
 in the Post-Ebola context: 
A Roundtable with Public, Private and Civil Society Sector Stakeholders event in Monrovia. It brought public, private and civil society sector stakeholders together in order to examine the impact of Ebola on future investment in the digital economy, as well as to articulate a commitment toward collaboration and coordination in the sector.

In November 2015, A4AI signed an MOU with the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. The team is now working closely with the Ministry in the development of Liberia’s ICT policy strategy, including leading public consultations with stakeholders in five regions of the country.


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UPCOMING EVENT | Date for next consultation to be announced.

MATERIALS & PRESENTATIONS |Multi-stakeholder Meeting to review ICT Policy 2017-2021 – November 23, 2016~~~~

May 15, 2015 – Roundtable Agenda~~~~

May 15, 2015 – Event Briefing Note~~~~

Summary Report of the Liberia Roundtable Event ~~~~

Introduction – Roundtable Objectives~~~~

Overview of Broadband Connectivity in Liberia – Deputy Minister Titus, Liberia Ministry of Post and Telecommunications~~~~

Impact of Ebola on Digital Infrastructure – Eden Reeves, NetHope~~~~

Global Overview of Trends Toward Expanded Access – Sonia Jorge, A4AI~~~~

PDWA Liberia Country Assessment and Prelim Options – Andrew Karlyn, USAID~~~~

Liberia Broadband Technical Assessment – Mike Jensen & Steve Song, NetHope~~~~

Conclusion – Roundtable Recommendations

RESOURCES| MOU with the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Government of Liberia~~~~
