Category News

Ghana Endorses A4AI’s “1 for 2” Affordability Target

Ghana has become the second nation to formally endorse the “1 for 2” internet affordability target. This week, at a meeting of the A4AI-Ghana Coalition in Accra, Minister of Communications for Ghana Hon. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful formally announced Ghana’s intent to start working toward “1 for 2” — that is, 1GB of mobile broadband for 2% or less of average monthly income.

A4AI Welcomes New Advisory Council Members

Welcome to the newest members of our Advisory Council! We’re excited to introduce you to: Belinda Exelby (GSMA); Njideka Harry (Youth for Technology Foundation); Smeeta Hirani (World Pulse); Johan Hellström (Sida); Paul Rowney (AfICTA & MyDigitalBridge Foundation); and Dr. Renee Wittemyer (Intel).

A4AI’s Impacts in 2016


2016 is drawing to a close, and we’ve been reflecting on a packed year of progress. Rather than type out a long post though, we decided to put our top 10 impacts into a short infographic, below.   We could…

Open Letter from the A4AI-Nigeria Coalition to the NCC

As the debate around the cost of data in Nigeria heats up, the A4AI-Nigeria Coalition asks the Nigerian Communications Commission to consider an open consultation, which considers the views of all stakeholders — from consumers to operators — before taking action. Read the Coalition's full letter to the NCC.