Category News

Rethinking Affordable Access


This guest post was prepared by Steve Song and appeared first on his website Many Possibilities.   Everyone needs affordable access to communication. Affordable access strategies that don’t target everyone end up magnifying the digital divide in a kind of Matthew effect: those with…

Our 2018 Highlights

Africa Summit Group Picture

A4AI works to secure affordable and meaningful access to the internet to over 628 million people. As a broad coalition of members from civil society and the public and private sectors, A4AI advocates for policy change based on robust and…

How different countries build for affordable access

A round island covered in green vegetation sits in the middle of light blue water.

How does a country’s geography impact its internet costs? This year’s Affordability Report explored this theme, detailing the additional costs that different country types face when building and deploying internet infrastructure. Our research explored the different costs incurred by industry…

Celebrating 5 years of A4AI


On October 7, 2018, A4AI celebrated its fifth anniversary. We’ve come a long way from our 2013 launch in Lagos as a coalition of 30 organisations. We now stand 80+ members strong, we have national coalitions working actively across seven…