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The A4AI Affordability Report

The Affordability Report represents part of our ongoing efforts to measure progress toward affordable internet.

Illustration of a woman walking on a globe in front of a city

Affordability Report 2021

The 2021 Affordability Report, released in December 2021, takes stock of connectivity trends today to suggest a new future for Universal Service & Access Funds. It builds from broader theories of industrial policy — namely the ‘moonshot thinking’ that relates to the public-private partnerships that sent the first human beings to the moon — to re-examine the shortcomings of USAFs today and propose new ways forward for these institutions.

Affordability Drivers Index (ADI)

The Affordability Drivers Index is a policy tool that assesses how well a country’s policy, regulatory, and overall supply-side environment is working to lower industry costs and ultimately create more affordable broadband.

Mobile Broadband Pricing

The latest edition of our mobile pricing data shows that 1GB of mobile broadband data became less affordable in 2021 than the previous year. This had significant consequences for people who greatly needed of internet access during the COVID-19 pandemic while they relied on the internet to access critical information, healthcare, and education services.

Device Pricing 2022

In this third edition of the device pricing data collection, A4AI collected smartphone prices in 177 countries and feature phone prices in 90 countries. The prices were collected for new devices from the major mobile network operators between June - July 2022.

Pacific Digital Gender Scorecards: Regional Synthesis Report

This report provides a synthesis of three country reports and associated datasets collected and published by local partner organisations of A4AI and Web Foundation.


Advancing Meaningful Connectivity: Towards Active and Participatory Digital Societies

In this new report we describe how, while two in three people are now online according to the current definition of internet access, billions lack the meaningful connectivity they need to make the most of the internet.


The Costs of Exclusion

This report estimates the economic impact of women’s digital exclusion and underlines the economic opportunity governments have to include women in a fully inclusive digital economy.

Meaningful Connectivity: Rural Report

This report details the urban-rural connectivity gap in nine low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and what that means for their potential to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Costs of Exclusion: South Asia Regional Report

In this report, we highlight five policy interventions from across Asia to illustrate that action is possible. Our research documents the successes of the early adopters and describes the untapped potential in closing the digital gender gap. The REACT policy framework has been a guiding resource in this direction.