A4AI-Bangladesh Multi-Stakeholder Coalition
In 2021, A4AI established a close partnership with the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) to oversee the development of the new national broadband policy. A4AI in partnership with BTRC and the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications is conducting extensive consultations and meetings with Government counterparts and officials, mobile operators, NTTN, ISPs and selected stakeholders from academic institutes, private sector, public and civil society, as well as other parties identified by the Government counterparts to support the development of the new broadband policy.
In 2022, we had the first consultation on ‘Broadband ICT Infrastructure, Services, Connectivity’. It was led by BTRC with a multi-stakeholder approach, focussing on network infrastructure, services, and connectivity needed for citizens to be able to access the Internet and all on-line services and capabilities at a high degree of quality. The topic included underlying network infrastructure, delivery of broadband access services, and related facilities and connection options, as well as the need for such services to be affordable to all users.