A4AI is working to drive down the cost of broadband and unlock rapid gains in Internet usage through a blend of on-the-ground engagements, international advocacy, and robust research.
We believe that robust evidence is critical to progress. Research insights and findings underpin our advocacy and on-the-ground work; for that reason, we invest heavily in qualitative and quantitative research, ensuring that decisions are based on facts, not hunches. You can read our country and thematic case studies, and our annual Affordability Report on our Policy & Research page.
Country Engagements
We’re currently working on the ground in eight countries — Nigeria, Ghana, Mozambique, Liberia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic — to make internet more affordable and accessible for nearly 300 million people. In each of these countries, we’ve signed formal memoranda of understanding with the government, and have worked with a wide range of in-country stakeholders to build strong national multi-stakeholder coalitions. These national coalitions work to develop solutions tailored to local realities, and lead efforts in their country to realise more affordable access.
International Advocacy
A4AI advocates for affordable internet around the world at local, national, and international levels. We encourage governments, international institutions and other stakeholders to place smart, evidence-based ICT policy at the heart of their economic and development agendas. Our advocacy efforts are based around our commonly agreed policy and regulatory good practices and are underpinned by the findings of our case studies, annual Affordability Report, and other research products. We inform debates with our research, speak out regularly in person and in the media, and appeal directly to key decisionmakers.
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