Broadband Access Trends in 2015: A4AI’s Predictions

O maior obstáculo em expandir o acesso a banda larga em todos os países onde opera a A4AI centra-se no custo de conectividade à internet, mas em Moçambique, é uma barreira imponente. De acordo com a União Internacional de Telecomunicações…
As 2014 winds down, the Nigerian government has revealed that five of the country’s states are working to reduce taxes on, and eliminate multiple taxation of, Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Earlier this week, the Nigerian Federal Minister of…
Less than a year after starting work in Ghana, the A4AI-Ghana Multi-stakeholder Coalition has notched up its first big win after the Government committed to abolish import duties on smartphones. This step — confirmed in the 2015 Budget presented this…
A4AI is excited to welcome three new representatives to the Alliance’s Advisory Council: Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director, UN Women Mike Jensen, Internet Access Specialist, Association for Progressive Communications Marília Maciel, Researcher and Coordinator, Center for Technology and Society of the…
Today, we’re celebrating the Alliance for Affordable Internet’s first birthday (check out our birthday infographic). Our vision of driving access prices down through policy and regulatory reform has resonated, and we’ve made rapid progress since our launch on October 7…
A little over a week ago, I was pleased to represent A4AI as moderator of a keynote panel at NigeriaCom. After listening to the discussion between participants on our panel and others, and chatting to many attendees, I was reassured…
On September 11, 2014, Paradigm Initiative Nigeria hosted an #InternetFreedom chat with our own Nnenna Nwakanma on the topic of increasing affordable broadband access in Nigeria. Read the chat below and let us know your thoughts! [View the…