Region Asia

A4AI-Pakistan Multi-Stakeholder Coalition

Pakistan Pakistan A4AI-Pakistan Multi-Stakeholder Coalition In 2022, A4AI established a close partnership with Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) to work on a Digital Gender Strategy. A4AI will be leading a multistakeholder gender sensitization workshop with the PTA.  The cooperation agreement encourages mutually…

Device Pricing 2021

Following our publication of From Luxury to Lifeline in 2020, this is A4AI’s second data collection on device prices and the first with global coverage. It’s the world’s largest open dataset on mobile device prices, with indications of the cheapest new smartphone and feature phone from a major mobile network operator in 187 countries.

Measuring quality of service

Sri Lanka’s proactive regulatory approach to defining and monitoring the quality of services provided by telecom operators helps protect consumers, drive down costs, and maintain healthy competition in the telecommunications market.

Investing in access with USAFs

Pakistan’s Universal Service and Access Fund (USAF) helps deliver increased internet access for over 7,000 unserved and underserved areas by co-financing infrastructure development and creating a competitive market for services.