Mexico’s telecommunications regulator and providers implemented strategies that guaranteed access to data and voice services during the pandemic. Under the slogan “Telecoms are on your side against coronavirus”, these strategies offered more affordable telephony services nationwide on a temporary basis.
Following our publication of From Luxury to Lifeline in 2020, this is A4AI’s second data collection on device prices and the first with global coverage. It’s the world’s largest open dataset on mobile device prices, with indications of the cheapest new smartphone and feature phone from a major mobile network operator in 187 countries.
A lack of gender-disaggregated data is a challenge for closing the digital gender gap, but innovative uses of online advertising data provide an opportunity to fill in gaps and set baselines for progress.
In 2018, the Ecuadorian government introduced social tariffs, which offer mobile voice and data packages at a reduced price to people earning the lowest incomes.
The Mexican regulatory authority has developed informational resources and more to educate and empower consumers in the exercise of their rights.
Costa Rica’s broadband plan and its subsequent monitoring and evaluation methodology has set up the nation to achieve its digital connectivity goals, and also offers a framework for the country to regularly update its strategy.
The regulator has continuously passed regulations to encourage passive infrastructure sharing as a means to expand mobile connectivity.
Until 2009, Costa Rica’s state-owned monopoly, the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad, controlled all of the island nation’s telecommunications services. This monopoly ended when the Central American Free Trade Agreement came into force and opened up the country’s telecommunications sector to…
The report provides the first set of publicly available data around upload and download speeds from across 54 low- and middle-income countries.
El objetivo de este estudio es investigar acerca de los efectos que se pueden derivar de la práctica de la compartición de la infraestructura, para el servicio en la República Dominicana, y sugiera el modo de extenderla y hacerla más eficiente y efectiva para lograr el Internet de banda ancha accesible y asequible para tod@s.
Dominican Republic Republica Dominicana Coalición Dominicana Para Una Internet Asequible (A4AI-RD) La República Dominicana es el primer país de Latinoamérica y del Caribe en unirse a la Alianza para una Internet Asequible (A4AI por sus siglas en inglés) mediante la…