A4AI releases Brazil Case Study

The Alliance for Affordable Internet has announced that Dr Bitange Ndemo has decided not to seek a second term as honorary chairperson of the Alliance. Dr Ndemo’s first term ended in August 2014. We would like to thank Dr Ndemo…
A4AI team members Kojo Boakye and Dr Basheerhamad Shadrach will be participating in the CTO Forum 2014 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, which will examine “key aspects of ICT access and utilisation including infrastructure, connectivity, applications, value added services, data and security”.…
A4AI team members Kojo Boakye and Dr Basheerhamad Shadrach will be participating in the CTO Forum 2014 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, which will examine “key aspects of ICT access and utilisation including infrastructure, connectivity, applications, value added services, data and security”.…
On July 31, 2014, Dr. Basheerhamad Shadrach, A4AI’s Asia Coordinator, presented at a workshop programme on the “Assessment of Nepal’s Telecommunication Market and Spectrum Issues.” Dr. Shadrach’s presentation looked at the current state of connectivity in Nepal and explored…
The Alliance for Affordable Internet is pleased to release our first case study on a Latin America country. We’ve picked Peru – a fascinating country with multiple challenges including challenging topography, a dominant telecoms operator and a wide urban/rural connection…
On June 24th 2014, the Alliance for Affordable Internet’s regional coordinator for Africa, Nnenna Nwakanma, gave the keynote address at the At-Large Summit (ATLAS II) of the June 2014 ICANN Meeting in London. Her speech addressed the theme of “Global Internet: The User Perspective,…