Archives Research
4G for Meaningful Connectivity Research Series, in partnership with Opensignal

This page collects and summarises the work produced from the partnership between the Alliance for Affordable Internet and Opensignal around the theme of 4G for Meaningful Connectivity. It supports one of the key pillars of the Meaningful Connectivity framework –…
Affordability Report 2014
Affordability Report 2015-2016
Affordability Report 2018 Country Highlights – Dominican Republic (English)
Dominican Republic has a long way to go to ensure affordable internet access for all its citizens. Though the government and the regulator have introduced much needed reforms, further efforts to reduce the price of broadband for all – especially…
Affordability Report 2018 Country Highlights – Dominican Republic (Spanish)
La República Dominicana tiene un largo camino por recorrer para garantizar el acceso asequible a Internet para todos sus ciudadanos.Aunque el gobierno y el organismo regulador han presentado reformas muy necesarias, se necesitan más esfuerzos para reducir el precio de…
Advancing Meaningful Connectivity: Towards Active and Participatory Digital Societies

Costs of Exclusion: West Africa Report

Filling the Gap Between Energy & Internet Access

Read the Report Here Around the world, efforts to connect the unconnected continue despite the myriad challenges that exist from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic to political instability. Often these efforts focus on expanding telecommunications infrastructure; working to improve the personal…
Reflections of a Digital Divide

Read the Report Here Representations of gender, diversity, and device use in mobile network marketing. Reflections of a Digital Divide summarizes an investigation into gender and diversity representations on the front pages of mobile network operator websites around the world,…
Financing greater access to smartphones

Building new international connections